8 Explain the Differences Between Byte Addressable and Word Addressable
Based on this data storage ie. Byte addressability enables even a single numeric digit to be calculated compared and copied independently of the data residing in the bytes next to it. Addressable Memory An Overview Sciencedirect Topics So this type of addressing in which the number of subsections ie number of bytes stored in section is added to get address of next section is known as Byte Addressable Memory. . In word addressable each word not necessarily each byte has a unique address. Byte addressable means that each individual byte has a unique address Word addressable means each word not necessarily each byte has its own address. List and explain the two types of memory interleaving and the differences between them. In the word addressing scheme all bytes of the first word are located in address 0 and all bytes of the second word are located in address 1. Explain the difference between byte addressable and word address...